SDWAN Management

SD-WAN management is an on-demand solution for new generation business networks, which includes provisioning, operation and advice through our Customer Experience area, to be able to follow up on the business indicators given by this service.
This software-defined WAN solution features a web-connected cloud portal, Ikusi Intelligence, which enables secure access from any device. With this solution, IT staff, network staff and executives or managers will have centralized business information at their disposal, taking it to a level of business intelligence.
Thanks to the single management platform, Ikusi Intelligence for SD-WAN, this solution is the only one that provides full control of the business network and SD-WAN services, since the user will have access to executive control, analytics, automation and network operation services. The combination of the managed services supported by Ikusi Once make this solution unique in the market.
How will SDWAN management help you?
- Reduction of link costs.
- Team of experts for the centralized administration of the network.
- Rapid response to security risks.